
Showing posts from September, 2018


To 25 years old me, I hope you do not regret any decisions you had made in the past. Believe in yourself. All the things had happened, is for you to learn from it. You make mistakes, yes. Try to learn something from it. Reflect. And rectify. It's okay if you still feel unsure sometimes. It's okay if you still don't have a goal. Don't be sorry for yourself.  It's okay to not have something that what other people have. You are you. Be proud of yourself. It's okay if you still cannot find your way. It's okay if you still cannot find yourself. It's okay to be confused sometimes.  Just, believe in yourself. Just do what you're suppose to do. Don't give up. Its not over until its over. Try your best. But, don't push yourself too much. Give a chance to yourself. Give time but not too long.  Do good to people. Do good to your parents always. Pray for them. Speak nicely. Don't be rude. Be patient. Don't put too much expectation on people,


Selama ini, aku salah.  Aku salah. Selama empat tahun ini, aku meminta,  berharap agar Engkau turunkan Laila pada aku.  Untuk pimpin aku, dekat dengan Mu. Aku salah. Buat apa aku berdoa mahukan Laila, padahal yang sebenarnya, aku hanya perlu berdoa,  meminta petunjuk dari Mu,  untuk tunjukkan aku jalan kepada Mu? Tak ada perantara. Aku hanya perlukan Dia, Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Mengetahui segala.  Yang Maha Mendengar.  Aku salah.


Laila, I hope, I really, really hope, this will be the last time I'm begging you. If you happen to find me, please, take me away with you.


Apparently all this time, I was just barely survived.


With my eyes wide open, I have lost my sight.


She losing herself. Again.


She used to be mine . She, the old me. She, the life I am missing the most. With a whole lot of heart . Tell me, if you could see me now, please tell me how to save a life. With a whole lot of heart.


Dear self, be good.