

Tonight, I know. 
A 27 year-old me, 
still trapping in the memories of 
15 year-old me. 

I do not know; no 
I surely do not want
to make a move 
into a new world. 

I am still on this side, 
behind the line of everything. 

A 27 year-old me 
still the same as 
15 year-old me. 


I am exhausted. 
I thought I was okay. 

But, nope. 

They said, it's okay for not being okay. 
No, it is not. 

It is not. 

Please, I am tired. 
I'm begging you, please. 
Help me.


aku rasa, dah tiba masanya 
untuk aku kunci tempat ini. 
sementara atau selamanya, 
aku tak pasti. 

terima kasih untuk segalanya, 
sang strangers. 



I'm sorry. 
You must be tired being me.


I want to disappear. 
Let me disappear. 
Even for while.