

"An old tale known by everyone and no one at the same time" 

We've taken the same path, yet we experienced different things. 

As a storyteller of our own, there's chapter(s) we hide, even from ourselves. 

Known by heart, hidden from the eyes.



Because rather than being a flower, being put in a vase, where's the beauty captivated and watched by passerby, she chose to be like a dandelion seeds. Can't be seen through the eyes, fleeting directly to people heart. Elevating spirit. And because what's in the heart, stay. 

Inspired from IU, Holssi



In the middle of busiest road, I looked around. Each of the crowd looks so cool like they have purposes. And then, there was you. Shining so bright more than anyone fixated my eyes. 

Suddenly I didn't feel alone. 

Because there were you, look so lost, and miserable. Just like me.



Mungkin mulai hari ini, 
tempat ini bakal menjadi 
tulisan-tulisan sebuah jurnal. 
Bukan lagi tulisan-tulisan sepucuk surat, 
yang asalnya untuk sang pahlawan yang entah siapa. 

Mungkin tempat ini, 
nantinya hanyalah sebuah tinggalan. 
Tinggalan tulisan-tulisan yang tak bermakna. 

Yang dalamnya masih penuh rahsia. 
Kerana tetaplah aku, 
mahu menjadikan segalanya rahsia. 
Rahsia walaupun kepada diri sendiri. 



Untuk setiap ingatan yang telah hilang, 
Yang aku rindu tiap malam,  
Pagi ini aku rela melepaskannya. 


Untuk pagi ini sahaja. 
Izinkan aku merasa kosong. 

Tanpa ingatan. 
Tanpa rindu. 



Bagaimana mampu membelai hati yang lain apabila hati sendiri juga masih belum berdamai?


"Sorry, you came at the wrong time."

The heart without fully healed 
could hurt another heart. 



Painful memory clouding herself. 
Hugging tightly crushing every bone.

Trying to escape, in her mind, 
wishing only one thing. 

Anybody, out there, kind enough. 
Swinging the sword, slashing the cloud. 

Or even herself. 
So she can break free.