Some people need a validation from
someone else.
"Am I a good person?"
"Are you happy with me?"
"Do you love me?"
A validation, or a confirmation.
That is all this while, they are truly living a
good life.
Some found it, -- the validation they need.
Some seek for it, not from a right person
(or maybe not in the right time too), hence
they cannot find it.
Why as a grown up adult, we are still like a kid,
wanting something like this?
In my defense, this is not a childish act.
It's just, maybe we want to feel the
sense of belonging, that we are worthy.
That our existence are matter.
Yes, that some people in the first line is,
me. I'm talking about myself.
Walaupun aku tahu sahaja, yang paling
penting adalah apa pandangan Allah
kepada kita. Bukan sangat tentang
pandangan manusia.
So, for all these years, how I was,
how my words have helped you?
Am I, enough,
to be called as a good person?