

I am tired?

Stop talking to me please.
Just stop.

Do what you want to do.
Just dont involve me.
Just dont.

Dont come to me for comfort.
I dont know how to comfort.
Dont make me feel guilty.
Just dont.

I am too cruel?
Let it be.
I want to be cruel.

Better to let people know
I am a bad person
rather than I am a nice person.

Because people will keep on
expect a nice person to be nice
for all times.

I dont want to understand you.
To have empathy -
To have sympathy -
To listen to you -
I dont want.

Stop talking to me.
I dont want to listen.

Why you are so cruel?

Dont talk to me.
I dont want to know.

If I know, I will think about it.
I dont want to think.

Stop telling me something I dont wanna know.
Stop telling me something not involving me.

Please stop.
I dont want to think.

Ignore me.
I just want to live quietly.
I just want a space to breathe.
I just want to breathe.

I just want to breathe.

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